Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day Two

Ok - so, I'm craving raw carrots, and cucumbers. Pizza would be nice too, but I've got a strong hankering for the former.

I'm feeling really weak. I slept for about 9 hours, and managed to take a 2 hour nap today too. Spent a few hours in the sun at the pool with a friend, which I think didn't help my energy level. Prior to that I took a quick walk to the store (about 5 blocks one way) so I had some energy today.

A few muscle pains when walking up stairs, but nothing too uncomfortable. Tongue is still a bit on the white side, but still noticeably pink. Breath is still manageable, but I do taste a bit of funk. Weird thing though? I swear to god I've tasted solid bits of food in my mouth and have no idea where they're coming from. I'm not a shabby oral hygiene kind of guy with flossing daily and brushing my teeth twice a day, so I think it's just psychological.

Going to spend the evening watching television, being lazy, and go into work early tomorrow.

Weight 7.17.10 - 181.0
Weight 7.18.10 - 179.5
Weight 7.19.10 - 177.5

1 comment:

  1. Dear brother, you are very brave, more than me at least, to publically post your weight. However, you are really not suppose to weigh yourself daily because you fluctuate four to five pounds throughout a day. Not good for the psyche either. Just thought that I would share.
