Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just a quickie...

Just a quick spew, since it's been a minute and I have lots to spew about. First of all, life is finally calming down and I've got some new life changes in place. Namely - I made the plunge and finally went completely vegan. My body is still reacting pretty interestingly to the news, but so far so good. More updates on this later. I have spew to spew about.

So, on my previous rant about big business ramming cutting costs down peoples throats? Well, someone read this and sent me a link to an interesting site out there called the Tea Party and Freedomworks. At first glance, it was interesting - upon closer inspecting, I ran like a two-dollar whore in church.

I rarely dish on peoples beliefs or political views, but, yikes. These people are a bit nuts. Watch some of the YouTube videos they have... it's scary.

Basically, what this group is doing is preying on this recession and drumming up fear and paranoia. They're using the fact that we elected a black president to scare many older white Americans into thinking that one day Mr. Obama, during the state of the union is going to reach back behind his head and unzip his body to reveal the anti-christ himself. They're using the job losses and bailouts to show evidence that our country is now run by banks and that no one has their best interest at heart.

They're basically scum who are trying to prey on the weak and drum up support for their own cause, which seems to be an overthrow of our government. I'm - not - fucking - kidding. I'm sure there are sub-groups out there that act differently but they're quoted in the NY Times to say that a violent revolt may be necessary. Cute!

Speaking of sub-groups, their whole structure reacts of a terrorist group. One main body making decisions and spreading it downwards through groups, ultimately to cells who's members aren't published. They have a little "sister" group who's main mission is to tell sheriffs and our military to disobey orders they don't agree with (they say unconstitutional - but for fucks sake, for 100+ years the average joe though slavery was constitutional, and then for 60 years after that segregation. Sorry Joe the Plumber but you don't exactly have a great tract record for intelligent decisions).

This whole group makes me ill. While, I conceed that we have issues and departments within our government that are corrupt to no end, I don't think that our government is being subverted at ALL levels by some Ring of 12 or some bullshit. I think it's run by greed and that many corporations have their hands in the different pots and that needs to be fixed.

We have issues, yes. But, jebus christ, Obama's health care plan isn't going to make Death Panels. Seriously?

Or, if they do, can we just tell these panels to run these people over with a concrete mixer. Scaring people, spreading lies, and causing paranoia is pretty much the lowest thing you can do; I would venture to say, as low as what AIG did during the housing bubble. Congrats and becoming exactly what you hate, fearmongers. Congrats!

Next few post topics:

HIV is Still a Big Deal, Dumbass
Need vs. Want
Valentine's Day - The Apocalypse