Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day One

So, day one is almost over. I forgot how easy the first day was. Today, there were very few cravings or urges to eat. The only thing that's tempting right now is the pizza from the Domino's commercial.

Physically, I'm getting a little bit of a headache and had some ache-y spots in joints that I don't remember feeling. It's quite possible I get these aches daily, but I'm just not paying attention to it and right now I feel hyper aware. I did try to have some cigarettes today which caused a massive heart race (and by massive I mean my pulse was 180). Needless to say, I threw the rest of the pack away. I had intended on doing the "after this pack" bullshit; but then my rationalizations hit me and I just chucked the whole pack.

If I'm dumpster diving later, it's just me having a nicotine fit - ignore me!

Tongue seems a little whiter than normal, but nothing too shocking there. Breath isn't funktacular yet and started my backside cleansing. It's surprisingly refreshing.

So far, I've had about 120 ounces of water today, which I think is a little on the low side.

Weight 7.17.10 - 181.0
Weight 7.18.10 - 179.5

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